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1. Expectations

It is important to recognise that the expectations of high standards of behaviour are for the well-being of all members of the school and community. Good manners and politeness are an important part of everyday life and, therefore, courtesy is expected between all members of the school and between members of the school and the public.

The ultimate aim is to ensure that the good name of Carre’s is upheld, that the well-being of the community both inside and outside is maintained, and that the school routine can run efficiently. To this end the following summary is given:

  1. Respect each other
  2. Respect the school
  3. Serve the interests of the community

We expect parents to support the school in maintaining a caring, work-orientated environment for the benefit of every student.

2. The School Curriculum

Key Stage 3: Years 7 to 9

Care is taken to induct each student into the life of the school as quickly and fully as possible. A day during the Summer Term enables new students to meet staff and each other before joining fully in September. An individual review meeting is arranged for students who join mid-year to ensure any issues arising from transition are addressed. All new students follow the same academic programme which is regularly reviewed to meet changing needs.

For the first three years at the school all students study Mathematics, English, Science, Geography, History, Art, Design and Technology, ICT, Music, Ethics and Philosophy, PE and a Modern Foreign Language. Science is taught as three separate subjects; Biology, Chemistry and Physics in Year 9. Citizenship, Relationships and Sex Education, Careers and Work Related Learning are covered in other relevant curriculum areas and through special events and activities. 

Key Stage 4: Years 10 and 11

The two-year course to GCSE determines the curriculum for this age group. A student is well-advised to choose those subjects in which he is most able and interested, but the maintenance of a broad and balanced curriculum is actively encouraged.

In Years 10 and 11, all students study Mathematics, English Language, English Literature, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, plus a course in Ethics and Philosophy.  At present, students take a further four examination subjects, which must include a Modern Foreign Language, and three further courses from Art, History, Geography, Business Studies, Music, French, German, Spanish, Computing, Resistant Materials, Electronics, Graphics, Engineering and PE.  Japanese is also available and is delivered during voluntary lunchtime classes. Individualised programmes of study are arranged for a small number of students with identified additional needs. Citizenship, Relationship and Sex Education, Careers and Work Related Learning are covered in other relevant curriculum areas and through special events and activities.

The Sixth Form: Years 12 and 13

Although a small proportion of our students leave us after completing their GCSE courses at the end of Year 11, the vast majority stay with us for a further two years as part of the Sleaford Joint Sixth Form, after which the majority proceed to Higher Education at university. Parents are encouraged to ensure that their children stay the full seven years, whether or not it is intended to go on to Higher Education. Students gain in maturity, in self-discipline, in powers of leadership and in prospects by staying for more advanced work in the Sixth Form.

The three schools, Carre’s Grammar School, Kesteven and Sleaford High School and St George’s Academy, operate a common timetable and this offers students a wider range of options than many other Sixth Forms in the choice of A Levels and vocational courses, as well as cultural, social and sporting activities.

Citizenship, Relationships and Sex Education, Careers and Work Related Learning are covered in other relevant curriculum areas and through special events and activities.

3. Assessment of Students

Classwork and homework are continuously monitored and assessed in relation to predictions and targets for all students’ progress.

This will be underpinned by three assessment points plus exam results during each academic year which are reported to parents. Assessments are based upon formal tests, class presentations, sustained independent work and contribution to class debate. This will enable students and their parents to effectively track progress towards external public examination outcomes. Students also sit internal examinations in all years, which in Years 11, 12 and 13 serve as mock examinations.

4. Entry for Public Examinations

The progress of students on GCSE courses in Years 10 and 11 is closely monitored at all times. Where a student is not performing to our expectations, parents are informed and asked to support us in our efforts to bring about the kind of improvement that will enable the student to achieve an examination pass at the appropriate level. Following the mock GCSE examinations for Year 11 students, final decisions are taken on entrance for public examinations in consultation with students, subject teachers, pastoral staff and parents. Some students whose work shows they are unsuitable to enter the full complement are told they will not be entered, but we would not normally do this in more than one or two subjects. However, where a student has a poor attendance record, has failed to meet coursework deadlines or has lacked motivation and effort, despite our best efforts in consultation with parents to remedy the situation, he will be deemed to have waived his right to the funding of entries for examinations in the subjects adversely affected.  

Students will be counselled as to the wisdom of continuing a course of study in which they are clearly struggling.  

Other than in exceptional circumstances, the school will not pay examination entry fees for examinations that students wish to resit in order to improve their grades.

5. Reporting on progress

Information about a student is accessible via MCAS (My Child at School) to that individual’s parent(s). In addition, they receive three progress checks and will be invited to attend one Parent/Teacher consultation meeting per year where they will have the opportunity to speak to each of their child’s teachers about his/her progress. Students are to attend with their parents to the consultation meeting and are involved in the discussion of their progress. Additional meetings are arranged for students causing concern before a problem develops.

Parents and students will also receive assessments of students’ efforts in every subject studied at the three assessment points (progress checks).

The dates for the Parent/Teacher consultations in the school year are published to parents. It should, however, be pointed out that any parents who are unable to attend the Parent/Teacher consultation meeting, or who are anxious about their child’s progress at any stage during the year, should telephone the school, or write in to arrange an interview with their child’s Form Tutor or Key Stage Manager at a mutually convenient time.

6. Pastoral Care

There are definite advantages in the fact that Carre’s is a relatively small school. Teaching groups are manageable in size, promoting excellent teaching, and form groups do not exceed 30. Consequently, Form Tutors have the opportunity to get to know their forms well. In all cases the Form Tutors are responsible for the general welfare of the students and it is to them that the students go in the first instance if problems arise. Form time during morning registration periods provide regular opportunities for staff and students to talk about matters of mutual interest and concern.


In charge of overall pastoral arrangements within the school is the Deputy Headteacher. He, along with the Key Stage Managers/Assistant Key Stage Managers and the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), is responsible for ensuring that ongoing problems are dealt with as effectively as possible. They arrange meetings with parents and staff, initiate contacts with parents where the school is experiencing difficulties with individual students, liaise with the county’s specialist services and organise supportive measures for students where these are judged to be appropriate. The Key Stage Managers/Assistant Key Stage Managers and SENCo work closely with the Learning Mentors to plan and deliver appropriate support. The Learning Mentors do not have a teaching commitment and one member of the team is always available on the duty desk to respond to students in need. Two members of the team have undergone training to provide specific support to students experiencing difficulties with their mental health. Students thrive under positive relationships and a constructive learning environment. A rewards system is followed to give incentives for positive behaviours. The rewards systems are overseen by the Key Stage Managers/Assistant Key Stage Managers who hold regular rewards assemblies to celebrate achievements.

Every member of staff is concerned with the well-being of the students at the school: there is no division between academic teaching staff and support staff. In the first instance, if your son experiences difficulties in a particular subject he should talk to his subject teacher about the problem. Learning is a two-way process and unless the staff are aware of the difficulties that are being experienced, they cannot help to put matters right.


In order to ensure a smooth transition from the primary school, our staff visit each primary school to get to know staff and students, as well as to ensure that our transition process continues to meet the needs of prospective students. In addition to the New Intake Evening held in late June/early July, new students visit the school for a day later in the same week in order that they can get to know the school a little before they start in the Autumn Term. The school holds regular meetings with parents in the form of Progress Evenings, but goes further by encouraging a continuing dialogue with parents to ensure that, together, we provide the best service for the students. We consult with parents through the year.

Behaviour For Learning

The school has a clear behaviour code to ensure that students learn with minimal disruption. The school works hard to promote positive behaviour and staff are actively encouraged to reward good work or good deeds. Sustained hard work and progress are rewarded through House Points in Key Stage 3 and Performance Awards in Key Stage 4. Students record these in their planners and when they reach milestones in the number of commendations they have received in a school year, they access privileges. House points are collected in planners to keep parents informed and can be viewed by MCAS.

The reward system is regularly reviewed to maximise the incentives for students to give of their best efforts in all activities in the school.

Students who fail to meet the school’s requirements in terms of behaviour or production of the required work can expect disciplinary sanctions to be taken against them. We expect parental support when sanctions are necessary.

For minor infringements, students are given warnings. If this is ignored, students are referred to subject or pastoral leaders for advice and support. Should this fail to secure the desired change in behaviour then detentions are issued. Where a pattern of unsatisfactory behaviour is evident, parents will be informed and students may be placed on report to monitor their activities over an agreed period of time. Additional specialist agencies are involved as appropriate.

Repeated transgressions or more serious misbehaviour will result, in ascending order of severity, in exclusion from lessons within school, temporary off-site suspension served at our partner school, Kesteven and Sleaford High School, temporary suspension from school and permanent suspension from school. In all cases of disciplinary action taken, the school follows the recommendations set out by the DfE. Students receiving targeted support will have personalised plans that detail planned actions and interventions as a means of helping them through their difficulties. Outside agencies such as the Educational Psychological Service, the Early Help Team, and the Behavioural Outreach Support Service of Lincolnshire County Council may be brought in with the agreement of parents. At all times, the school seeks to work with parents to help students through difficulties.

Part of the process of education is to learn from the mistakes made in both formal learning and social contact. However, there are exceptional occasions when very serious transgressions would result in a student’s permanent suspension from Carre’s without previous lesser sanctions being applied. Specifically, in addition to the incidents contained in guidance from the DfE (serious actual or threatened violence against another student or a member of staff, sexual abuse or assault, supplying an illegal drug or legal high, or carrying an offensive weapon), students who are involved in organised theft, persistent bullying, the possession of illegal substances, whether for financial gain or not, or students who are engaged in persistent misbehaviour, should expect to be permanently suspended by the Headteacher. If there is a clear link between the misconduct of a student outside of school and the promotion of good behaviour and discipline on the part of our students, then sanctions may also include suspension.

7. Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

We are committed to being an inclusive school and to enabling all of our students to unlock their full potential. We recognise that a number of our students will, at different stages of their development, require tailored and targeted support over and above the usual academic and pastoral provision. The Student Support Team at Carre’s aims to tailor and target support for individual students who have been identified as having a specific learning need, so that he or she can:

  • be an effective and successful learner who achieves their full potential;
  • embrace the range of opportunities available to him or her as a valued member of our school community;
  • take control of their own learning needs so that when they leave us they can be confident that they can manage those needs in the adult world.

In accordance with 2014 Code of Practice, programmes of intervention and support are planned in consultation with the student, their parents/carers and their teachers. The SENCo and the allocated Learning Mentor work closely with the student and teaching staff to ensure strategies for individual students are appropriate and effective. Plans are monitored and reviewed to an agreed schedule. 

Working in Partnership

We actively encourage parents/carers to maintain regular contact with school so that our partnership can be effective and productive. Referrals to other professionals and agencies are made when deemed necessary and we are always happy to facilitate sessions in school.

Access and Support

We are privileged to have a dedicated support unit based in the old School House which is staffed by a team of four experienced Learning Mentors.

Whilst every effort is made to accommodate students with physical disabilities there is no access to upper floors in the school buildings with the exception of the Learning Resource Centre (LRC) where there is a lift. Disabled toilet facilities are limited to the Main Reception area and the LRC building. The school’s access plan aims to identify and implement achievable improvements on a phased basis. Parents are always welcome to contact the SENCo (please see website for details of the current post-holder) to discuss how the school might meet the specific needs of their son or daughter.

8. Child Protection

We believe that all young people have the right to grow up unharmed, to have the opportunity to develop full y and have their basic needs met. 

Under the Children’s Act, it is the duty of all staff and governors of the school to be aware of the signs of child abuse. If the school has cause for concern about the safety or well-being of a young person, it is their duty to notify appropriate agencies with the accepted procedures of confidentiality being observed.

The school maintains a Safeguarding (Child Protection) Policy that has been adopted by the Trust.

9. School Routine advice for parents and students

1. Registration

All students attend registration with their forms each morning at 8.45am and are registered in their teaching groups in the afternoon. Parents must ring the school office daily to notify them if a student is absent.

2. Assembly

Immediately after morning registration students will either go to assembly, or remain for a form period. Late arrivals must report to the school office and sign in the ‘late book’.

3. Access to Lockers

Lockers may be visited during break and lunchtimes, and after school (until 4pm).

4. Breaks

Generally, all students are expected to be outside at break and lunch times, except during bad weather when students may go to their form rooms.

For those students wishing to undertake private study during break and lunchtimes, the Learning Resource Centre is open for general reference work and reading most lunchtimes, as is the ICT room.

5. Bounds

The town is out of bounds to all students below the Sixth Form between 8.45am and 3.30pm unless they have a Town Pass. Licensed premises are out of bounds for all students, including members of our Sixth Form. Permission to go into town for a special purpose may be obtained from the Form Tutor on production of a letter from the student’s parent.

Certain areas of the school grounds are out of bounds for Health and Safety reasons. These areas are explained to students.

6. Lunch Arrangements

School meals are organised on a cafeteria basis. Daily menus are posted, and a wide choice is available. Students who have earned an early lunch pass reward have priority access on a rota basis. A balanced diet is always available through the daily choices offered, at approximately £2.50. The school operates a cashless catering payment system.

Those wishing to bring a packed lunch may do so; accommodation is provided in the ‘The Chill’. Sandwiches may also be purchased from the ‘The Chill’.

Students in Years 7 to 11 are not allowed to take lunch at shops or cafés, except in the charge of their parents, unless they have a Town Pass.

7. Students Who Travel to and from School by Car

Parents who bring their children to school or collect them from school by car are requested not to bring their cars onto the school premises as the congestion caused by doing so would be a safety hazard to students arriving on foot.

8. School Planners

Every student is issued with their own personal planner at the start of the school year. The planner is the most important book in a student’s school bag. In it they record homework, reminders, commendations and messages. Parents are asked to check their child’s planner daily if possible, and to sign it weekly. There may well be messages from teachers in the planner and parents may use the planner to relay their own messages to teachers.

10. School Uniform

All students should wear their school uniform with pride on their way to and from school, during the course of the school day and on occasions when they are representing the school off the school premises. The uniform strengthens the identity of the Carre’s community.

Years 7 to 11

The school uniform consists of a black blazer with the school badge on the breast pocket and red braid on each pocket, black or charcoal trousers (which should not be excessively flared or narrow and tight fitting), white shirt and school tie. Pullovers, if worn, should be black and V-necked. Black shoes must be worn and socks must be dark grey or black.

Sixth Form

As an alternative to the uniform for Years 7 to 11, male Sixth Form students wear a dark suit, any non-vivid shirt and Sixth Form tie, black shoes and grey or black socks. Dark coats are to be worn in winter. Female students are expected to dress in smart business wear.

Sixth form students may wear jewellery discreetly.

PE Clothing

Students are expected to wear the correct clothing for both periods of PE whether playing or practising.

Physical Education (indoor work): School red polo shirt, black shorts (with or without school badge), white socks, white training shoes, preferably non-marking.

Football/Rugby (Autumn and part of Spring Term): Football/rugby shirt in the correct house colour, football shorts (black or black with Carre’s badge), football socks (red or red with Carre’s name), football boots and shin pads. Students are advised to wear a protective mouthguard for rugby and, in the case of screw-in studs, these should have British Standard certification for rugby union. Students must wear football boots, and not flat soled shoes, on the 3G pitch. All footwear should be clean before being brought into school.

Athletics (Spring and Summer Terms): As for indoor work. Tracksuits may be worn.

Cricket (Summer Term): Students chosen to play in school cricket teams wear white cricket shirts, white trousers and white cricket shoes. This outfit is preferred for all students but when not in school teams students may wear school shirts, white or school trousers and white training shoes.

Most items of PE and games kit are available from local suppliers. Polo shirts are also available for purchase from the school office.


  • All garments must be clearly marked with the student’s name.
  • For all PE activities students are required to change completely in the school changing rooms, which are warmed in winter.
  • Students are expected to take their PE kit home for washing between PE periods.

11. Dress and Appearance Years 7 to 11

We expect students to be smartly and cleanly attired to help develop personal standards of excellence. We seek to minimise the number of rules in the school, but in matters of appearance and dress, parents and students should be aware that the guiding principles are to avoid extremes and for the wearing of the uniform to be in a smart manner. Individual guidance is given to students when appropriate. Jewellery, apart from the wearing of a wristwatch, for reasons of Health and Safety, must not be worn. Hair length should not exceed the base of the back of a school shirt collar and fringes should not come below eyebrow level. Boys should not have beards or moustaches and hair should be of a natural colour. Extreme hairstyles should be avoided. If an attempt at hair colouring goes wrong this will not be regarded as sufficient excuse to adopt a more unusual colouring.  If there is a reason for a style of haircut then this will obviously be treated with respect and understanding. The dress code is also intended to respect cultural sensitivities.

12. Administration of Drugs/Medicines in School

If a student has a health condition that requires medication during the school day, parents must inform the school office so that appropriate arrangements can be made. In accordance with DfE statutory guidance, all medications for students under 16 must be handed into the school office by a responsible adult. Medication must be in the original packaging which clearly shows the dosage and expiry date.

Individual Health Care Plans will be formulated for students with long term health conditions following consultation with parents, staff, healthcare professionals if appropriate, and the young person concerned.

13. Attendance

Parents are asked to request an absence via email/MCAS or telephone to the front office at least three days in advance. Dental and medical appointments should be made out of school hours if possible. As any period of absence interferes with students’ learning, parents are not expected to take their son on holiday during the normal school term. Absences are not authorised unless exceptional circumstances are offered on the request form available from the school office or the website. Requests for family holidays taken in term time are not permitted under regulations from the Department of Education. A holiday taken in term time will be unauthorised and may result in a penalty notice (PN) unless there are extenuating circumstances.

Whenever a student is absent without foreknowledge, e.g. because of illness, parents should email/MCAS or telephone the school office on each day of absence explaining the reason.

14. Careers Education, Work Related Learning and Guidance for Higher Education

From Year 7 we run an ongoing programme of advice and information in collaboration with our local Careers Advisers in order to make sure that the students’ choices are based on informed opinion. This supports our own careers advice for students.

From Year 10 onwards every student is offered an interview, either with the school’s Work Related Learning Co-ordinator, or with a specialist Careers Officer, or both. The students also have the opportunity to undertake a thorough careers appraisal through computer-based learning programmes.

There is a well-stocked careers library which is open to the students at lunchtime as well as computer links and other information in the school’s Learning Resource Centre, and a termly Careers Newsletter is published on the school's website to promote the latest careers opportunities and training.

In addition, a programme of lectures is arranged, with speakers from the professions, the services, industry and commerce. There are visits to industrial concerns for students in the middle and senior school. Every student in Year 12 has the opportunity to undertake a one week work experience programme during the summer term.

The programme continues throughout the Sixth Form where more emphasis is placed upon the opportunities available in Higher Education, enterprise and study skills.

Parents are welcome to attend any of the interviews that are arranged for their sons/daughters and should feel free to contact the school at any stage in relation to their child’s careers guidance.

15. Charging and Fees

To conform with the requirements of the Education Reform Act 1988, there are no fees for tuition of the National Curriculum, statutory Religious Education or in preparation for prescribed public examinations, trips in school time or trips associated with taught courses, although there may be charges for accommodation. There is no charge for examination entry except where:

  • the school has not prepared students for the examination in the year for which the entry is made;
  • a student has failed, for no good reason, to complete the requirements of the examination or to attend for it.

No charge is made in respect of books, materials, equipment, instruments or incidental transport provided in connection with the National Curriculum, statutory religious education or in preparation for prescribed public examinations or courses taught at the school, except where parents have indicated in advance their wish to purchase a product.

Parents are invited to contribute towards the cost for school activities in or out of school time for which compulsory charges cannot be levied but which can only be provided if there is sufficient voluntary funding. No student is excluded from such activity by reason of inability to make a voluntary contribution. The school may be able to assist in cases of hardship[1].

The school will seek payment from parents for damage to or loss of school property caused wilfully or negligently by their children.

[1]Hardship is interpreted as parents or guardians in receipt of Income Support, Working Tax Credit, Job Seekers Allowance, Disability Living Allowance or Incapacity Benefit.

16. Equal Opportunities

Carre’s Grammar School fully recognises its responsibility and role in providing equal opportunities for all students, irrespective of class, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability. The school’s policy may be viewed at school and on the school website. All staff at the school are required to operate within the guidelines of the policy.

17. Extra-curricular Activities

In addition to extensive sporting activities, and to further supplement the curriculum, there is a wide range of activities out of school time. Opportunities are given for students to develop their creative talents in art and crafts and music. The school has a considerable variety of educational and sporting visits that are organised both at home and abroad. In recent years this has included India, Nepal, France, Germany, Morocco, Australia, Ireland, Holland, Sri Lanka, Ecuador and St Lucia.

Academic work, although of prime importance, is only one part of school life. Whilst it is justifiably proud of its academic record, the school is equally proud of its achievements out of the formal classroom environment and actively encourages enrichment activities.

18. Free School Meals

Some children are entitled to receive free meals. Information about how to claim free school meals may be obtained from the school office.

19. Health & Safety

Students are expected:

  • to exercise personal responsibility for safety of self and classmates;
  • to observe all the safety rules of the school and in particular the instructions of staff given in any emergency;
  • to use and not wilfully misuse, neglect or interfere with things provided for their safety.

20. Independent Learning

Students are expected to study independently, to help reinforce work covered in school, and to help staff identify where difficulties are being experienced.

Homework increases from about one hour per night in Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 9) to two hours per night in Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11). Tasks are recorded in the student planner. If your son is regularly spending appreciably more or less time on homework than this, you should inform his Form Tutor.

Failure to complete homework satisfactorily may result in sanctions being imposed.

A variety of tasks are set for homework activity and there are occasions when personal research or wider reading is set.

21. Musical Instrument Tuition

The school employs a team of peripatetic instrumental teachers who offer tuition in brass, woodwind, keyboard, stringed and percussion instruments. There is a charge for tuition. Lessons take place both during the course of the school day and outside normal school hours. Inevitably, students do have to be withdrawn from their normal teaching lessons for instrumental lessons which are held during teaching periods, but we try to arrange their instrumental tuition schedule in such a way that the same school subject is not missed on a regular basis.

22. Sport and PE at Carre's and in the wider community

Carre’s Grammar School is a key part of the Government’s strategy of raising sporting and academic standards and establishing partnerships between schools and the wider community. We are a lead school within the Local Authority and promote the standard of physical education across the primary and secondary phases of education, training teachers for Physical Education and Games from early years to secondary specialist staff.

Through our work we aim to:

  • raise standards of achievement through the increased quality of teaching and learning;
  • extend curricular opportunities, including subject enrichment, out of school hours learning and industry and business links;
  • increase the take-up and interest in specialist subject courses, particularly at post-16.

For sport, Carre’s is a regional focal point for excellence for students of all ages, staff and members of our community. We work with partner schools to develop Physical Education through outreach work, improved access to facilities and provide training for teachers in other schools. 

As well as working with students and teachers, Carre’s is also working in the community through promoting healthy living, supporting sports performers, providing a venue for cardiac rehabilitation and fitness referrals and the promotion of a wider range of active recreation. We currently work with over 11,000 youngsters.

The school has taken over the management of Northgate Sports Hall, enabling Carre’s Grammar School and District NK to work in partnership to develop and deliver high quality leisure services in the North Kesteven district.

23. Personal Accident Insurance for Students

The insurance market offers personal accident cover for students 24 hours a day. Parents may not be aware of this and if they wish to avail themselves of this cover for their children then they should make enquiries with insurance brokers or companies accordingly.

All students are insured by the school against accidents occurring during sporting activities (fortunately rare). Details are available from the Director of Finance and Resources on request.

24. Personal Property

The school does its utmost to encourage responsible behaviour amongst students. Students are responsible for the security of their personal possessions. It is recommended that all personal items are clearly labelled so that if lost, they can be returned to their owner. Parents are strongly advised to check that their household or personal insurance arrangements cover items lost or damaged whilst at school or whilst their sons are involved in school activities. The school does not arrange cover for items lost, damaged or stolen and cannot be held responsible.

Whenever students are involved in Physical Education and Sport, valuables must not be left in the changing rooms unless students have been informed by the teacher that the changing room has been locked.

25. Physical Education

All students in Years 7 to 11 receive two hours of Physical Education per week in curriculum time. Out of school hours learning is in addition to this. Students are taught in all areas of activity to provide a broad and balanced curriculum. Activity areas include athletics, gymnastics, basketball and outdoor activities including football, rugby and cricket.  On average, students will participate in 12 to 15 sports per year. Including out of school hours learning, this can increase to up to 18 sports per year.

26. Policies and Student Education Records

In accordance with Schedule 4 of The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2010, the school has in place the following policies:

  • Curriculum Policy
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Special Educational Needs Policy
  • Collective Worship Policy
  • Behaviour for Learning Policy
  • Gifted and Talented Policy

These are only a few of the large number of policies that a school is required to have in place, therefore the school does not issue copies of policies to parents as a matter of course. However, all current school policies are available for inspection by parents at the school if requested, and are also posted on our school website at: or

27. Prefects

Prefects are given responsibilities around the school They do this in co-operation with staff. Sanctions may be given for breaches of school discipline. The school prefects are led by the Head Boy and Head Girl and their team of elected senior prefects.

28. Religious Education and Collective Worship

Although the school is not a Church school and has no direct denomination affiliation, the Vicar of Sleaford is Chairman of the Members of the Trust which governs the school. For many years the school’s annual Carol Service has been held at St Denys’ Church. There is normally one non-denominational whole-school assembly per week. There are also year group and other points of reflection during the week.

All assemblies are of a broadly based Christian nature reflecting on current events as well as specific Christian teachings. The viewpoints of those who do not share Christian beliefs are also reflected upon. From past experience, this form of assembly has been found to be valued and acceptable to the students, who are encouraged to participate. Few students’ parents have felt the need to withdraw from collective worship and parents are welcome to attend by prior arrangement. Students who are withdrawn from collective worship are expected to be present for announcements made at the end of the period for thought or reflection.

The Ethics and Philosophy course at Carre’s is carried out within the context of the 1998 Education Act and follows the Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. Parents may withdraw their child, but as the course is non-denominational, this is unusual.

29. Sex and Relationships Education

Relationships and Sex Education is given, within a moral framework, as part of the curriculum in Science, Ethics and Philosophy, and Personal Development (PD). Knowledge of sexual reproduction is part of the Science National Curriculum. The PD programme that Carre’s Grammar School delivers meets, in its entirety, that which is legally required for a PD programme for secondary schools. Parents are advised when an aspect of Relationships and Sex Education is being followed as part of the PD programme so that, if desired, discussion at home may support the programme at school. Parents have the right to withdraw their son from all aspects of Sex Education that fall outside the National Curriculum. Further details may be found in the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy on the school website.