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Staff List

Executive Headteacher
Mr N Law RCT Executive Headteacher
English Faculty
Mrs K Carpenter Head of English
Mrs S James Second in English, Literacy Coordinator
Mrs B Ditton Teacher of English
Mrs J Millband Teacher of English, SENCO
Mrs A Morrissey Teacher of English
Mrs S Tierney Teacher of English, Personal Development Curriculum Coordinator
Expressive Arts Faculty
Miss T Angus Head of Art 
Mrs R Quinton Head of Music
Mrs K Karumazondo Teacher of Music
Miss S McCarthy Teacher of Art
Humanities Faculty
Mr J Holland Deputy Headteacher, Teacher of Geography
Mrs S Bence Head of RCT Ethics and Philosophy
Miss E Chaddock Head of Geography
Mr N Quinton Head of History
Mrs A Angell Head of Year 10 and 11, Teacher of Ethics and Philosophy
Mrs M Brook Teacher of Geography
Miss T Mills Teacher of History
Mr M Wilson Teacher of Geography, Ethics and Philosophy
Mrs S Wilson  Teacher of History, Lead Practitioner
Maths Faculty
Mr P Harvey Head of Mathematics
Mrs A Blair Teacher of Mathematics
Mr D Cherry Teacher of Mathematics
Mrs K Thompson Teacher of Mathematics
MFL Faculty
Mrs E Albuixech Head of MFL
Ms S Brodigan Language Assistant (Spanish)
Mr M Clare Second in MFL
Mrs S Clare Teacher of French
Mrs H Goymer Assistant Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Teacher of MFL
Mr C Toledo Naveillan Teacher of MFL
PE Department
Mr M Wilson Head of PE
Mr J Offer Head of Year 9, Head of Sport
Mr S Newell Head of Year 7 and 8, Teacher of PE
Mr B Pickard Teacher of PE
Mr B Rooney Teacher of PE, Head of Sixth Form Enrichment
Mr R Smith Head of Sixth Form, Head of Year 13, Teacher of PE
Mr A Wilkinson Teacher of PE
Science Faculty
Mr A Adams Teacher of Physics
Mr W Cook Teacher of Science
Mr D Hartley Head of Science
Ms A Hobbs Second in Science
Dr J Robinson Teacher of Science
Mrs A Corbould Senior Science Technician
Mrs J Horstwood Science Technician
Mrs A Johnson Teacher of Science
Mrs D Thomas Teacher of Science
Technologies, ICT and Business Faculty
Mr K Jones Assistant Headteacher, Head of Technologies
Mr G Ahmed Head of Business Studies and Computing
Mr J Brown Head of Computer Science
Mr A Thomas Head of Design and Technology
Mrs N Green Teacher of Design and Technology
Mr P Marshall Design and Technology Technician
Mr I Scholefield Teacher of Design and Technology, Work Related Learning Coordinator
Support Staff (delivering Learning and Support)
Mr A Allen RCT Operations Manager
Mr J Appleby Learning Mentor
Miss J Beckwith Cover Supervisor
Mrs P Clapham Learning Mentor
Mrs L Machin Community Sport Administrator
Mrs S Manley Learning Mentor
Mr J Padley Active School Co-ordinator
Mrs J Sivyer Learning Mentor
Mr M Strange School Games Organiser
Mrs L Sutton Active School Co-ordinator
Support Staff (delivering curriculum resources support)
Mr N Bowes RCT ICT Services Manager
Mr E Davies RCT Senior ICT Technician
Mr P Dewick RCT ICT Technician
Mr R Laker RCT ICT Technician
Mrs J Livsey Data Manager
Mrs A Morrissey Learning Resource Manager
Support Staff (delivering administration and organisation)
Mrs J Body PA to Executive Headteacher, Admissions Officer, RCT HR Admin
Mrs K Archer Administrative Assistant
Mrs D Feneley Office Manager
Mrs M Jarvis-Ritte Administrative Assistant
Mrs L Phoenix Sixth Form Administrator
Mrs D Scott Governance Professional
Mrs T Williams Examinations Manager
Finance Department
Mrs L Bedford RCT Director of Finance and Resources
Mrs A Naylor RCT Financial and Regulatory Accountant
Mrs K Bonfield RCT Finance Administrator
Mrs N Gray RCT Finance Manager
Support Staff (delivering premises and supervision)
Ms C Chelsea Cleaner
Miss G Dorken Cleaner 
Mr I Giddings RCT Estates Officer
Mr C Green RCT Estates Officer (part time)
Mrs A Harland-Wood Catering Assistant
Mrs T Harland Cleaner
Mrs M Hibbard Cleaner
Mrs D Ingram Catering Assistant
Mrs D Knibbs Cleaner
Mrs T Lenton Catering Assistant
Mr R Lipman Catering Manager
Mrs C Lomax Cleaner
Mrs V Nicholson Cleaner
Mrs J Noakes Cleaner
Miss S Pell Catering Assistant
Mrs A Rate Cleaner
Mr J Sayles RCT Estates Officer
Mrs D Tebeli Catering Assistant
Mrs S Tristram Cleaner
Miss A Yaremko Catering Assistant 
Miss O Yaremko Cleaner