Career Guidance
Careers education forms a continuous thread throughout a student’s time at Carre’s. It aims to provide a framework within which each can develop the self-awareness and experience necessary to make balanced decisions at each stage during their time at the school and, hopefully, after they leave.
Carre’s Careers Education & Guidance Programme begins when students join in Year 7 at aged 11/12. It aims to provide increasing contact with the world outside throughout a student’s time at school and to help reach those decisions which affects their future in as well informed and balanced a way as possible. Students are encouraged to discuss the various options with the Heads of Year, Tutors, and the Careers Staff.
Careers Leader
Mr I Scholefield
+44 (0) 1529 302181
The Careers Centre
This is particularly well resourced with relevant informative materials making full use of internet access about future jobs and Higher Education opportunities. Early and regular visits to the Centre are encouraged. The Centre is based within the LRC and is open every day for students to research and explore their interests. In addition, there are various computer programmes which students can use both to determine Higher Education courses that match their interests and abilities and to look more widely at future careers. Every encouragement is given for regular visits to be made to the Centre during a student’s time at Carre’s and parents are more than welcome to use the resources by appointment.
School Careers Guidance
Throughout Key Stage 3, work is done to raise self-awareness and help decision-making in the build-up towards making GCSE option choices. There are also elements of career development in the Personal Development (PD) work.
All students are introduced to Unifrog, a Careers Guidance Platform which comprises of assessment tests linked to interests and job suggestions which will assist the eventual choice of both GCSE & A Levels as well as university and apprenticeship routes.
All students are offered a one-to-one guidance interview during Key Stage 4 and again during Key Stage 5. Students in Key Stage 3 can request an interview via the Careers Lead, Mr I Scholefield.
In November, the Year 11 students undertake take mock examinations which are followed up by one-to-one guidance interviews designed to help preliminary decisions about A Level courses. Further investigation and a second interview take place with Tutors and Subject Leaders where required.
Throughout a student’s time at Carre’s, they have access to many interesting guest speakers from the world of work. This provides up to date information and the opportunity to discover more about a range of professions. Guest speakers also cover alternative pathways to Higher Education such as apprenticeships. In Years 12 and 13 students are encouraged to use enrichment time for regular work experience for example working at local primary schools, GP surgeries, accountancy firms, as well as veterinary shadowing and volunteering to name but a few examples.
Careers Events
During the two years spent in the Sixth Form, students attend a number of events designed to help their career planning, including a structured visit to the Careers Centre and a series of seminars on diverse career fields. Practice interviews for students are offered by the local RAF Officers from Cranwell when operations allow. A Higher Education Conference takes place in the summer term for the Lower Sixth students at a local university to formally introduce the UCAS process.
Employer Engagement
We are always looking to expand upon our meaningful workplace employer encounters in order to broaden the horizons and aspirations of our students throughout the school. This may be through visits to school to engage with year groups or curriculum areas. However, where possible, we welcome the opportunity for student engagement in the workplace so that we can provide a real insight into the world of work.
If you feel this may be something you are able to assist with, please do contact the Careers Lead, Mr I Scholefield.
Parents and Carers
We do hope that you find the information within this page useful in the support of your child and in providing detail about the careers guidance available for your child whilst at Carre's. By utilising the web links you should be able to navigate the overview and progression which the careers programme provides from Year 7 through to the end of Year 13 and beyond. Destination data gives an indication of what our students achieve in the world of work. This is further supported, where possible, with employer engagement in order to place theoretical careers information into a real-life perspective. Students are able to make use of Unifrog, a Digital Careers Platform, which you can see is mapped throughout Years 7 to 11 as a termly tutor time activity. During the Sixth Form, Unifrog plays a fundamental role in the stepping stone to life beyond Carre's. If you require further assistance with your child's career's progression, please contact the form tutor in the first instance. They will direct support, where required, towards the Careers Lead.
Careers Experience Courses
Students are expected to undertake one week of work experience in the summer term of Year 12. This is invaluable in bringing realism to thinking about the world of work and is increasingly looked upon by employers and university admissions as evidence of maturity and motivation.
During the Sixth Form there are opportunities during the holidays for students to attend courses specifically aimed at informing them about specific careers. These are run by professional bodies and commercial concerns for school and college students. Students are encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities where appropriate to their interests and aspirations. These events are communicated with students via email and tutors.
Student Destinations
Student destinations refers to the placement or provision taken up by students at the end of Y11, 12 or 13
The 2024 leavers fall under the Raising the Participation Age legislation, requiring all leavers to stay in learning until their 18th birthday. The table below shows those students who left statutory education in 2024 and their level of participation as at 1st November 2024:
NB: From December 2024 LA Table Data
Year 11 Leaver Destinations
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The table below shows a summary of the situation of the Year 11 leavers as at 1st November 2024 and historically over the previous 2 years.
- Carre’s Grammar School retains students well. In 2024, 69% of our students continued into our Sixth Form.
Student destinations after 16 to 18 (2021 leavers)
Students reaching the end of 16 to 18 study in 2023 and staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after this. This is provisional data published in October 2023.
Students progressing to education or employment
NB: Total number of students: 130
As the most recent publicly available data is for 2023 leavers, please see the graph below for data relating to destinations of Year 13 students leaving in the academic years ending July 2022 to 2024.
UCAS is the Universities Centralised Admission System for degree courses at universities and colleges. Tutors keep in close touch with their tutees about their hopes and potential, discuss options in depth, and guide tutees through the relevant application procedure. All students will have a briefing on how to apply through UCAS Apply (an online application service). Students, with their parents, will be introduced to this at the Higher Education and Gap Years seminar held each year by the Head of Sixth Form.
In this ever-changing world, students are also directed towards alternatives to Higher Education such as apprenticeships and school leaver opportunities. These are shared with students via email and students can seek specific guidance from the Careers Lead.
The Tutor and Head of Sixth Form will prepare the students’ academic and personal references. In addition to the student’s interview, the Tutor can also arrange mock interviews in preparation for the real thing. When A Level results are known, the Sixth Form Team will be available to provide advice and guidance to any students who may need it.