School Notices
Please be aware of the following school notices.
Masks/Covid Measures
- Face coverings are to be worn in all indoor communal areas, including in the queues to the Chill. Please provide your child with at least two face coverings so that they always have a spare if one is lost or broken;
- Students will be encouraged to be outside at breaktimes;
- Handwashing will be encouraged, even if students have to be escorted to the sinks at the end of each lesson;
- Students will once again be sitting facing forwards in classroom and not in groups. Classrooms will be rearranged to accommodate this.
Student Illness/First Aid
If your son/daughter is ill or requires first aid during the school day, they will be sent to the medical room for assessment/treatment by the qualified first aiders. Students are not permitted to call parents and ask to be collected. Parents/carers will be contacted by the first aiders if their child needs collecting due to illness or injury.
We have a small number of students and staff in school who are immunocompromised. It is therefore vital that you update the school regarding any illnesses so that we can take appropriate action. This does not refer specifically to Covid, but also to other illnesses such as chicken pox.
PE Kit and School Property
On the last day of each term, we hold a lost property amnesty. All unmarked property is put out for students to recognise and claim. Any unclaimed items after the amnesty are given to charity. It would be helpful if all your child’s property is named as this makes it easier to return property which is often claimed to have been ‘stolen’, when in most cases, it has been left somewhere in the school.
ParentPay – School Dinner Money
Please ensure your son/daughter has sufficient funds on their ParentPay account to pay for any food/drinks purchased in The Chill.
Robert Carre Trust Shop/ParentPay
Payments for school trips/music tuition/revision guides etc can be made on ParentPay. Joint Sixth Form trips can be found on the Robert Carre Trust Shop along with some items of school uniform and equipment. ParentPay and the RCT Shop can both be found on the front page of the school website by clicking on ‘Payments’.
School Term Dates and Holidays
Term dates are published on our website. We would respectfully request that holidays are not taken during term time and requests will not normally be authorised, apart from exceptional circumstances. Please use the form on the website (Parents – Forms) when making such requests. We look at each request on a case-by-case basis and nationally, Government policy is to encourage schools to minimise the amount of teaching and learning time lost as a result of term-time holidays.
For further information about the school’s position on absences, please see our Attendance Policy on the school website.
Parents’ Cars on the School Site
May we remind parents that for safety reasons we do not allow students to be dropped off on the school site after 8am. Similarly, in the afternoons, parents should not bring cars onto the site before 3.30pm.
Wireless Network and Mobile Devices
There is a wireless network throughout the school. This is to help with administration, but, more importantly, with teaching and learning. We witnessed the benefits for the Sixth Form students who use their own devices, largely for research and accessing online resources, and have rolled this out to the whole school. Mobile phones may be used for this purpose only during lessons, with the teacher’s permission, breaches of this will result in the phone being confiscated and being made available for return at the school office at the end of the day. Should this happen a second time, parents will be required to collect the phone in person from the school office.
The school cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage of personal devices.
The policies in place regarding the use of mobile devices are available via the school website:
Home - Students – Mobile Phone Policy
Home - Students – ICT Policies – Bring Your Own Device
Uniform and Appearance
We have a formal uniform which reflects the traditions of the school and our policy in school uniform is stated in the prospectus and on the school website. We expect our students to maintain high standards of dress during the school day and also when travelling to and from school. This means that shirts/blouses should be tucked in, for boys top buttons should be done up and blazers/jackets should be worn. Hooded tops are not part of our uniform, and neither are extreme hairstyles. For boys, visible piercing is not permitted, and they should be clean shaven. The dress code is also intended to respect cultural sensitivities. If there are any concerns, please contact the appropriate Head of Year.
School uniform should include:
- Black trousers (not excessively flared or too narrow)
- Grey or black socks
- Black formal shoes (suede or trainer style is not acceptable)
3G Pitch
Having such a superb facility available for the school to use has only been possible thanks to large investment, so it is no surprise that our funding partners hold us accountable for how it is used. In order to protect the guarantee, we must ensure that it is managed appropriately. This includes ensuring all users wear appropriate footwear during lessons and recreational time.
It is essential that students only use the pitch with suitable, clean, footwear. Flat shoes (including some trainers) damage the carpet fibres so must not be worn. Football boots are the best! As part of school uniform requirements, students should already have a pair of football boots for outdoor PE. A poster is up by the main gate to help everyone understand what is suitable.
Behaviour on Contract Transport
Despite frequent reminders of our expectations, we are always concerned about any unsatisfactory behaviour on the journeys to and from school. We would be grateful if you would reinforce our expectations by reminding your son/daughter about the importance of remaining seated during the journey.
Free School Meals
If you receive any benefits, you should tell your school as they can get extra funding called the Pupil Premium grant. This includes:
- Universal Credit - your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- The guaranteed element of state Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided you're not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Children who get paid these benefits directly can also get free school meals.
Click here to apply for Free School Meals, or navigate to the Lincolnshire County Council website and click on the Schools and Education link.