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Duke of Edinburgh's Award

The Duke of Edinburgh award scheme is one of the key extra-curricular activities offered by the Robert Carre Trust and aims to provide an enjoyable, challenging and rewarding programme of personal development for young people, which is of the highest quality and widest reach.  We offer Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of the award.  Enrolment for Bronze in Year 9; enrolment for Silver in Year 10; and enrolment for Gold in Year 12/13.

The aim is to promote teamwork, self-reliance, resilience, confidence and responsibility through all four sections: Volunteering, Physical, Skill and the Expedition.

Volunteering encourages students to get involved in worthwhile projects both in and outside of school life, such as working in a charity shop, helping the elderly or sports leadership. Physical Recreation is sport based (individual or team). The Skill section is about pursuing a new non-physical hobby or skill, or developing an old one such as playing a musical instrument or learning first aid. The Expedition element is a key component, designed to develop leadership and team working skills.  At Bronze level, the expedition is for 2 days and 1 night, where students must decide on an aim and purpose for their journeys, such as observing wildlife or footpath erosion. They will then collectively deliver a presentation of their experiences to an accredited assessor.

Further information can be found on the DofE website or by e-mail

We are always looking for help to run the award (all training provided) so if you like the outdoors and wish to volunteer to support the award please get in touch.  If you have skills, hobbies or life-experience you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you.
